Kamden Ivar PedersenBorn: October 19th 2010
8lbs 2oz (same as Hailey)
21 inches (1/2 inch smaller than Hailey)
I've decided to update my much neglected blog. So I will begin with the story of how Kam came into the world.
So I had a C-section with Hailey and HATED the recovery. So I did not want a repeat c section. My doc had said he was willing to let me try for a v back if everything was perfect. As October came I knew I wouldn't go into labor on my own. (it just doesn't happen in this family) I figured my doc would induce me and with our anniversary on the 15th I thought it would be fun to have a baby that day. But doc gave me a big fat NO, due to I wasn't dilating and baby wasn't dropping. Lets just say I came home from that appt. pretty upset. ( I wanted my big huge belly deflated)
I had to wait one more week for another appt. in which he would do a ultrasound to measure the kiddo's head.
That was one long week. Mo

nday morning couldn't come quick enough! Doc did his assessment and no changes, so he did an ultrasound. I was about 39 1/2 weeks at the time and baby's head was measuring 41 weeks! My doc looked at me and I knew what his "professional opinion" was. C-Section! At that point I was done, so we tried to schedule in on Wed. the 20th, but they had too many already scheduled, so the next morning was it! (19th)It's weird knowing you will be having a baby the next day. Check out how giant my belly was! --->
The next day everyone was excited t

o find out if we would be having a Mia or a Kamden! Esp Hailey bug!
Going through the surgery this time was much easier and less scary since I knew what to expect. I didn't even barf on the anesthesiologist!
(warning a little graphic!)
John got a shot of him being pulled out!


We were all very excited to have a boy! (Hailey was thrilled she wouldn't need to share her toys!) This time around the recovery wasn't half as bad. The incision healed quickly and I could get in and out of bed pretty well before I went home.
Adjusting to two kids was sure a challenge in the beginning, especially since I was spoiled with Hailey and she was a great sleeper, Kam... not so much... and I NEED my sleep!
We also discovered Kam had reflux which made a not so happy baby and nursing him was difficult, but we pulled through. (thanks to prevacid)
Also Kelsey had a baby girl on Oct. 28th! Alysha Elaine Brewer. It's been fun to compare the two babies. Kam is soooo laid back and Alysha is a wild girl! They don't really play together yet, just stare at each and grab each other. It will be fun when they get older!
SO to shorten a post that could go on forever! Here is what I can think of right now, followed by some fun pics in the next post.
- He is a chubby wubby! He eats every 2 hours and gained weight fast! He's six months now and is almost 22 lbs and in 12 month clothing! We had to upgrade to a 35 pounder car seat!
- He is very shy and will cry for mom if a stranger talks to him, he makes the saddest face!
- He loves,love,loves his hands! He stares at them with such fascination.
- He loves,love,loves to be carried everywhere! (Mom's arms and back pay for his chubbiness)
- He's a definite mamma's boy.
- He has the CUTEST smile!
- He sat up before he could roll over.
- He waves "hi" sometimes... so cute
- He took a bottle until about 8 weeks old then flat out refused it. I have yet to get him to fully eat from a bottle since. It's such a pain!!! I can't go anywhere for very long without him.
- He's got two bottom teeth already!
- Hailey adores him! And he loves when she plays with him.
- We LOVE him!