I am posting this because right now she is playing her PBS kids online games and it must stimulate her to make noise. She gets really excited and screams "WAHOO!" and "YAAAA" It always makes us laugh.
I also love her because:
Yesterday I told her to clean her room and she told me "Only if you clean yours too!"
The first thing she puts on in the morning is something princess and her church shoes. She will wear them all day.
She knows how to put in her own movies (DVD or VHS) and turn on the surround sound. She also knows how to turn on the computer and log into PBSkids.com (by the way i don't mind her playing the games, she learns a lot)
We leave music on for her at night ( to her request) and a few mornings ago at 6 am, she came into our room so excited... "MOM! come see what is on my radio! Hurry come see!! I refused to get out of bed, so she ran into the living room and brought back Rudolph the movie. "They are playing his song! Isn't that so exciting!"
If she had it her way she would eat Mac n Cheese night and day!
She hates it if I try to sing ABCs or any song, she tells me to be quiet. So, she knows all the letters in the alphabet by sight, but she can't sing the ABCs.
Any person that is under 4 foot is automatically her friend
She would rather be at "Howies" house than her own home. (Howie is my parent's dog)
She asks me if I need help wiping my bum. (Since I ask her that frequently)
Everything is an "accident" since that means she's not in trouble. But she rarely does anything naughty. We have been so blessed with the most behaved kid! So when she does get into trouble, she thinks it's the end of the world and cries for an hour.
I could go on and on! But the best thing she does is snuggles up to me and kisses me on the cheek " I love you so much mom!"
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